10 Years Exhibition - Scott Listfield
Scott Listfield is known for his paintings featuring a lone exploratory astronaut lost in a landscape cluttered with pop culture icons, corporate logos, and tongue-in-cheek science fiction references. Scott grew up in Boston, MA and studied art at Dartmouth College. After some time spent living abroad, Scott returned to America and, shortly before the real life, non-movie version of the year 2001, began painting astronauts and, sometimes, dinosaurs.
Scott Listfield & Antler Gallery
After participating in a few group exhibitions Scott had his first feature show with us in 2016. We had been huge admirers of his work for such a long time and it was a really big deal for us to be able to showcase his works here in Portland. Since then we have worked together regularly both at Antler and our sister gallery, Talon. We were very excited to be able to include Scott in this ten year anniversary exhibition as we both feel like his artistic vision is strongly aligned with our own as curators, with a focus on our planet and how we are choosing to inhabit it often with particular reference to the conflict between humanity and the natural world.